Nov 2024
The Bridal Stylists is an agency representing a team of carefully selected freelance hair stylists and makeup artists. Our stylists are freelance and are not directly employed by The Bridal Stylists. They act independently of us once the booking is made but are subject to the matters we set out in our How We Work document. All stylists have their own insurance.
1. Definitions
“Agency” is The Bridal Stylists a partnership trading online at www.thebridalstylists.co.uk and from 40 SHEARLING WAY, LONDON N79TP
“Client” is the person (or persons) who received the quotation (where more than one they are joint and severally liable)
“Assignment” is the introduction by the Agency of the Freelancer to the Client to complete the delivery of the Services as set out in the quotation.
“Freelancer” is the freelance stylist, hairdresser or MUA selected by the Client via the Agency to deliver the Services.
“Services” means the Services provided by the Agency and the Freelancer.
“Event” is the wedding or event for which the Agency and the Freelancer shall deliver the Services.
2. Price and payment
2.1 The Price is a fee for the introduction of the Freelancer to the Client, and for the delivery of the Services. The Agency and the Freelancer are not registered for VAT.
The Price is broken down into three payments:
2.1.1. the booking fee which is for the confirmation of the booking and selection of the Freelancer and includes the Agency’s quality control processes such as our vetting procedures. This payment is a fee per service at 25% of the Price.
2.1.2. a fee for any trial required by the Client as part of the Services
2.1.3 the balance of the Price (after payment of the booking fee and any trial costs) for the delivery of the Services at the Event.
2.2 The Services include advice and guidance given by the Freelancer to the Client about hair/skincare and hair/makeup products, advice on application and use, and the delivery of makeup and/or hair styling Services and products, and all ancillary Services to complete the Assignment.
2.3 The Price is paid by the Client in three payments as follows:
2.3.1 the payment at clause 2.1.1 is paid to the Agency on entering into this agreement.
2.3.2 the trial fee at clause 2.1.2 are paid direct by cash or bank transfer to the Freelancer either 24 hours ahead of, or at, the trial session.
2.3.3 the balance payment of the Price set out at 2.1.3 is paid direct to the Freelancer at least 6 weeks before the Event -
2.4 If the Assignment is booked within 6 weeks of the Event, then the full Price is due on entering into this agreement.
2.5 Any extra Services beyond the scope of the quotation shall be agreed in advance and charged in accordance with the Freelancer’s rate card and are payable direct to the Freelancer.
3. Cancellation or Variation of agreement
3.1. The Assignment can be cancelled by either party in writing or by email to info@thebridalstylists.co.uk subject to the matters set out in this clause.
3.2 In the highly unlikely situation that the Agency cancels the Assignment, save as set out in clause 5.7 below, any fees paid will be refunded.
3.3 If the Client seeks to cancel this Assignment more than 6 weeks before the Event or within 6 weeks of the initial trial (whichever comes first) then 50% of the booking fee is refunded to the Client, unless the following circumstances arise:
If any trial has already been undertaken and paid for at the date of cancellation, these fees will not be refunded.
If the Event has already been postponed once without charge under clause 3.5, and you then cancel at any time thereafter, 0% of the booking fee will be refunded.
3.4 If the Client seeks to cancel the Assignment less than 6 weeks before the Event then the payments already paid will be forfeited. Any expenses incurred as at the date of cancellation must be paid by the Client, and those paid shall also be non-refundable. In addition, a cancellation fee will be immediately due, which shall be 100% of the Price less any payments already paid.
3.5 If the Client seeks to cancel the Assignment more than 6 weeks after the initial trial but more than 6 weeks prior to the Event, no additional fees are payable however the Booking Fee shall be retained.
3.6 3.6.1 If the Client seeks to change the date of the Event, the Agency will make every effort to change the Assignment to the new date, including any arrangements already entered into under the Assignment. The first change of date will be done without charge to the Client. Any subsequent changes of date, or if the Client holds multiple dates for the Assignment with our agreement only) each date and/or each subsequent postponement will attract an admin fee equivalent to 50% of the Booking Fee. If you postpone the Event to a subsequent year, we reserve the right to increase the Price accordingly. Our Postponement Policy will also apply (copy available on request)
3.6.2 The Agency reserves the right to provide an alternative Freelancer if necessary, to accommodate the date change. However, if the new date cannot be accommodated by the Agency in its absolute discretion then this will constitute a cancellation by the Client, and clause 3 will apply. Extra charges may also apply.
3.7 If the Client seeks to change the location of the Event, the Agency will make every effort to change the Assignment to the new location, including any arrangements already entered into under the Assignment. The Agency reserves the right to provide an alternative Freelancer if necessary, to accommodate the location change. However, if the new location cannot be accommodated by the Agency in its absolute discretion then this will constitute a cancellation by the Client, and clause 3 will apply. Extra charges may also apply.
3.8 3.8.1 Variations to the Assignment, or to the Services, may only be agreed in writing. 3.8.2 Additional Services outside the scope of the quotation will attract additional charges. This includes, but is not limited to, styles and services which exceed our standard timings guide (see the How We Work section on our website).
The Client is recommended to book for the minimum number of people to receive the Services and to add recipients to the Services, if necessary.
3.8.3 If the Client seeks to reduce the scope of the Services, the Agency may substitute a different Freelancer to provide the rescoped reduced Services, and/or adjust the Price accordingly, BUT NOTE the fee per person already paid under clause 2.1.1, or any trial fees already paid under clause 2.1.2, will not be refunded or reduced as a result of such changes.
4. The role of the Agency:
4.1 The role of the Agency is that of booking agent and coordinator. The Client will make the final selection of Freelancer and the Agency will implement those selections, unless clause 3.7 applies. The Agency shall not be held liable for any changes to any Services made by the Client or the Freelancer which are agreed directly.
4.2 The Agency will use its professional judgment and shall have complete discretion with regard to changes, weather, tardiness, non-performance, etc. based on the situation, time limitations, but taking where possible into account the wishes of the Client.
4.3 Allergies: The Agency and/or the Freelancer will not be held responsible for any allergies or reactions caused by the Services, unless arising from negligent delivery of the Services. It is the Client’s responsibility to inform the Agency and the Freelancer in writing of any sensitivities/allergies/intolerances at the time of booking or at the latest 6 weeks before the Event. No liability for allergies or reactions can be accepted where we have not been advised of such risks.
5. General Conditions:
5.1 The Agency shall use reasonable endeavors to meet any Services delivery dates, but such dates shall be estimated only and time is not the essence of the contract, save in relation to Services on the day of the Event.
5.2 The Price will be paid after invoices rendered from time to time. Payment terms are on invoice, and payment is not deemed to have been made until the Price has been paid in full. If payment is not made in full and within time the Services may be suspended and payment in advance may be required before the Services are re - commenced.
5.3 If payment is not made in accordance with the above clauses, the Agency reserves the right to charge interest at the rate prescribed by the Late Payment of Commercial Debt (Interest) Act 1998 from the date payment was due until the date payment is made.
5.4 Each party will keep the confidential information of the other party and any third party confidential and secret, and only use it for the purposes of supplying the Services or making proper use of the Services. Each party recognises and accepts its obligations with regard to the control and the processing of personal data under the current data protection legislation and regulations. For more information on this, please see our Privacy Notice on our website at www.thebridalstylists.co.uk
5.5 The Client grants to the Agency and to the Freelancer consent to use any work including photographs created as part of the Assignment to show off its services and designs, together with the right to display images as part of its portfolio and to write about the Assignment on websites, and in its marketing materials. If you do not wish to grant this consent, or attach conditions to this consent, you must confirm this in writing to info@thebridalstylists.co.uk within 7 days of entering into this agreement.
5.6 (a)The Agency will use reasonable care and skill in performing the Services. The Agency will exercise reasonable skill and care in the vetting and selection of the Freelancer provided to the Client under the Assignment. The Freelancer is also separately insured for the delivery of the Services under the Assignment and will use reasonable care and skill in performing the Services.
(b) Where any valid claim in respect of the Services is made, the Client may be entitled
ONLY to a refund of the Price or part of the Price. In respect of any other direct losses (in Contract or Tort) the total liability of the Agency will not exceed the Booking fee paid.
(c)The Agency’s or the Freelancer’s liability in respect of any loss of good will, loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of use or for any other consequential, special or indirect loss or damage will be NIL.
(d) Nothing in these Terms will exclude or limit liability for death or serious injury caused by the Agency’s and/or the Freelancer’s negligence.
5.7 The Services may be terminated if payment of the Price is not made in accordance with these terms; or if the Client commits a material breach of any of these terms and fails to remedy the breach within 7 days of being notified in writing; or the Client makes any statements or behaves in any way or requests the Agency or the Freelancer to undertake any actions that are discriminatory, illegal or immoral; or if the Client enters into any form of insolvency arrangement, or suspends its business. Upon termination the Client shall immediately pay any Price for work done to that point, to the Agency or the Freelancer in accordance with clause 2.
5.8 If the Agency or Freelancer is limited or hindered from providing Services booked by the Client due to circumstances beyond its control eg. government intervention, Acts of God, civil disturbance, war, national or local disaster, strikes, labour disputes, epidemic and/or pandemic, then the liability to the Client shall not exceed the amount paid by the Client for the Services. The booking fee shall be non-refundable, (being an approximation of the value of Services already rendered) and where the value of the Services already delivered to the Client is greater than the value of the booking fee the Agency and or the Freelancer shall be entitled to be paid additionally for all Services delivered to the Client up to that point. Neither the Agency nor the Freelancer shall be liable for any additional losses incurred by the Client in such circumstances.
5.9 Nothing in these terms is intended to create a partnership or joint venture between the Agency, the Freelancer and/or the Client.
5.10 Following the conclusion of these Services the Agency may wish to contact you to request testimonials, recommendations or feedback on the Services. By agreeing these terms, you are consenting to that contact by the Agency after the conclusion of the Services.
5.11 These terms and any dispute arising from them shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.